Performance Measurement in Retail

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  • 3.5 hours
  • English
  • Certificate
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Course overview
Performance measurement provides valuable information to optimize performance and compete successfully in an increasingly competitive market.

In this course you will learn how to effectively use the fundamental tools of performance measurement: You will learn
how to select relevant key figures using the Balanced Scorecard, how to take actions with driver trees based on key figures and how to visualize key figures in a targeted way using dashboards.

  • E-Learning Course
  • Certificate: Performance Measurement Readiness

Target group

This course is aimed at middle and lower management, project managers as well as team leaders from various departments of retail companies.
Likewise, anyone interested in retail will find valuable insights in this course.

What you can expect
  • Videos, interactive graphics
  • Easy to understand texts
  • Comprehension checka
  • Quiz
  • Certificate
What you have learned (Learning Objectives)
  • You will understand why performance measurement is important for retail and what it means exactly.
  • You will get to know the income statement as a central instrument of performance measurement
  • You will be familiar with the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), an instrument for selecting the most important KPIs.
  • You know driver trees as an instrument to derive measures based on KPIs.
  • You know the most important principles for visualizing key figures with dashboards.

Start now and become an expert in

Performance Measurement.